Before You Watch

Visual displays should effectively and succinctly communicate key information.

Visual displays in Statistics are referred to as graphs, and the type of graph, or visual display, we use is determined by … yes … the variable type upon which we have data to display.  

Whether reading or drawing a graph for a single variable, there are 3 labels that are very important.

  • The title – provides details of what the graph is about e.g.  “Distribution of the ages of women in the Hunter region diagnosed with coeliac disease in June 2016”
  • The vertical axis (y) – this is often a count (frequency)  e.g. “Number of women”
  • The horizontal axis (x) – the variable of interest  e.g. “Age”

Graphs of single variables often demonstrate the relative frequency of the varying values that a variable can assume.  This is often referred to as the distribution of the variable.


Now What?

Now that you have learnt about visual displays for a single variable you are ready to consider visual displays for two variables and consider hypothesis tests (see the videos Visual Displays - Two Variables and Hypothesis Tests).

But When Am I Going to Use This?

Across all fields of study we measure characteristics, or random variables. Accordingly, we need to present the data visually to understand patterns within the abundance of data and effectively communicate the key information. This may be used in organisational reports, presentations to key stakeholders, education or any other forum. Say less, show more!

Other Links

  • Some reasons we don’t use pie charts: but can you also identify the example where a Pareto Chart would be better?

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